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Creating the images for 'Dancing Soundscapes' with Jeanne Fee Photography

Exploring with the wonderful Martina images for Dancing Soundscapes, which was launched 30 April 2018 at TRINITY Lewes! We wanted to find an image that expressed both movement and sound, exploring the question of how to convey movement through a medium that is still. We had a fantastic afternoon at St John’s church in Lewes exploring different movement and photographic possibilities. I was interested in improvising with sound, using different breath and vocal rhythms to see how it affected the movement. Martina experimented with overlaying the image with different sensory elements that might work to convey sound and movement. We both felt in the end that the use of water, which is living and moving and creates a sound association, worked to convey something of what the workshops are about; exploring our creativity through moving and sounding and being present in the moment.

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